8 Benefits of Using European Infant Formulas

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As a parent to a newborn baby, there are many choices you will be faced with. One of the most important decisions you will make will be what you choose to feed your baby. This is a choice that might not seem that significant, but it is a choice that can affect the rest of your baby’s life.

The benefits of choosing the best baby formula are vast. Choosing an organic baby formula can keep your baby safe from harmful pesticides and additives. Choosing the best organic baby formula can also affect the eating habits that your child will have for the rest of their life.

Choosing a formula that is free from harmful additives, such as carrageenan, can also keep them safe from health issues as severe as cancer.

When you learn about all the risks involved with making a poor choice of what formula to use, the choice might not seem quite so simple. There are many options to choose from when selecting an infant formula. How can you narrow down your options to make sure your baby is getting the best?

When choosing a formula for your baby, you may not have considered a European alternative. But there are many reasons that you should. Here are eight reasons why European infant formulas may be the best option for your child.

1. Many European Infant Formulas are Organically Sourced

As a mother, you only want the best for your baby. That is why organic baby formula is a great option. Many European brands offer organic formula.

Of the many challenges of having a new baby is finding the right formula. Luckily, there are many helpful resources and guides to help you find what you’re looking for.

European baby formula is especially beneficial because of the stricter regulations about what ingredients are allowed in formula. Holle, a German-based company, offers a cow-based formula.

The cows are raised on farms that follow the principles of Biodynamic Agriculture. This means that the cows have never grazed on pastures with harmful chemicals.

HiPP formula is from another German-based brand offering organically sourced products. This formula is backed by the HiPP Organic Guarantee. HiPP formula also offers specialty formulas for babies suffering from acid reflux or allergies.

Taking into consideration that the United States Department of Agriculture does not place such high standards on organic products, European brands seem like the best organic baby formula choice.

2. Non-GMO

Due to organic regulations, many European baby formulas are also free of GMOs. GMO stands for genetically modified organisms.

Because of European agricultural policies, any ingredients in an organic formula are automatically free from GMOs. Again, Holle and HiPP are superb choices of European infant formulas.

There are important things to think about when choosing between American and European infant formulas. One thing is the standards that determine if the formula is organic/non-GMO.

Because Holle and HiPP are both German-based, they follow standards set by the European Union. Organic/Non-GMO infant formula made in the United States is approved by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). But the USDA has not always followed the standards of the National Organic Standards Board.

The European Union has stricter regulations than the United States Department of Agriculture. Because of this, European infant formulas might be a better choice.

3. Free From Harmful Additives

Aside from Holle and HiPP, there are other brands of European infant formulas that are free from harmful additives. One brand to consider is Lebenswert. Lebesnwert was made by Holle in 2009. It follows bio-land guidelines with careful consideration given to sustainability.

Lebenswert guarantees no use of genetically engineered ingredients. It also guarantees no additives are used such as flavorings, colors, or preservatives.

4. European Infant Formulas Assure the Additive of Only Beneficial Ingredients

Some of the ingredients used in American brands of infant formula use ingredients that aren’t proven to be beneficial to a baby’s health. European brands avoid using ingredients that haven’t been proven for health.

American infant formula brands have been experimenting with ingredients believed to be beneficial to a baby’s development. They have been known to add fatty acids such as DHA and ARA. There are possible benefits to these ingredients, such as eye and brain growth, but there is not enough evidence to support this.

Another additive used in the U.S. is carrageenan. Carrageenan is banned in Europe. It is used as a thickener, but it has been linked to stomach issues and cancer.

Many European infant formulas haven’t added these ingredients because it is not yet known what amount of these ingredients are healthy. This is another reason European infant formulas might be more healthy for your baby.

5. Use of Probiotics

Probiotics offer a balance of bacteria in your intestine and they also help with digestion.

Topfer is another German-based brand, founded in 1911. Topfer formula is made with organic milk and it is produced on land that supports bio-farming. Aside from these benefits, Topfer formula also adds probiotics to its formula.

While there are American brands that offer probiotics in their baby formula, there aren’t quite as many options to choose from. And even though some American brands do use probiotics they don;t have the benefits that European brands do. Benefits such as limited additives, stricter regulations on the use of additives, and bio-farming.

6. Low Sugar

Because the European Union has stricter regulations than the United States Department of Agriculture, there is also less sugar in European infant formulas. Among the additives banned by the EU is sucrose, or sugar.

American brands of baby formula, such as Enfamil Premium, were found to have 13.5 grams of added lactose per serving. Similac Advance Organic Complete Nutrition had 3.5 grams of sucrose added per serving. Europe has banned the additive of sugar to baby formulas produced there because of the concern for childhood obesity.

Sucrose has been found to be harmful to tooth enamel and it may condition babies to craving sweet food. This is another reason that the European Union banned the additive of sucrose to their baby formula. The EU’s Scientific Committee on food found out that, “sucrose provided no particular nutritional advantages, could, in rare cases, bring about a fatal metabolic disorder, and might lead to overfeeding.”

Another unhealthy sweetener used in U.S. is brown rice syrup, which contains arsenic.

With no proven benefits and several health concerns, there is no reason for your baby to be consuming excess amounts of sugar. Because of the strict regulations on the additives of sugar European infant formulas could keep your baby free from certain health problems.

Choosing European infant formulas instead of American infant formula could be a simple choice to keep your baby healthy.

7. Many Options for Goat’s Milk Based Formulas

Goat’s milk is more similar to breast milk. This means that it makes a better base for baby formula than cow’s milk. Goat’s milk is easily tolerated because it contains short and medium-chained fatty acid’s that are easier to absorb and digest.

Kabrita and Holle, European infant formulas, offer goat’s milk based formulas. Kabrita offers three different goat milk based formulas to change with your baby. Holle formula also offers three different stages of goat milk based formula.  Kabrita and Holle are both European brands that are easily accessible in the U.S.

Other benefits of goat’s milk include:

  1. It has fewer allergenic proteins. Cow’s milk is the leading allergy in children.
  2. Goat’s milk has higher percentages of the daily recommended amount of calcium than cow’s milk does.
  3. Nutrients and minerals are absorbed more easily in goat’s milk than in cow’s milk.

 8. Environmentally Conscious

Environmental consciousness and animal welfare may not be on your checklist when choosing an infant formula. But they might offer an added bonus.

We already know that there are many options for organic/Non-GMO European infant formulas. Refraining from genetically modifying organisms is an environmentally conscious decision to make.

Brands such as Holle, source their milk from farms that avoid painful practices, such as dehorning their cows. Many European farms also practice strictly regulated organic farming.

There are many choices to make for your new baby. Choosing the right formula is one of them. Any parent only wants the best for their baby. Sometimes it might be hard to know what the best option is, regardless of how much research is done.

When it comes to infant formula, research shows that European brands are superior when it comes to your baby’s health. The strict regulations, minimum additives, and environmental consciousness are hard to ignore. And that is why so many parents are straying away from American brands and choosing European infant formulas instead.

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