7 Questions to Ask Before Choosing Baby Formula for Parents

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Are you expecting a baby? Do you know you are going to be feeding your infant formula? How can you know you are choosing a formula that will have an optimal blend of nutrients and a minimal amount of additives?

Choosing baby formula is a big decision that requires some research and consideration. This is especially true if you are planning to feed your family with an organic diet.

Here are some questions you should be asking.

1. Is Your Formula Organic?

Some parents are committed to an organic diet for their families. Organic foods are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, GMO’s, or sodium or sludge-based fertilizers.

Organic food is often fresher, and it contains fewer pesticides, which have often gotten linked to Alzheimer’s, cancer, and ADHD. Organic food is often richer in certain nutrients, including Omega-3 fatty acids. And it gets raised in a way that is kinder to the environment.

The organic formula contains more vitamins, and it’s easier for your baby’s stomach to process. This can help them to sleep better at night.

The organic formula can strengthen your baby’s immune system. And the increase in Omega-3’s can help with brain development. 

Parents who are seeking only organic formula should be certain to look for the “organic” label on products. This means it is free from hormones, chemicals, and pesticides.

2. What Nutrients Are in the Formula?

Your baby’s formula should contain all of the nutrients necessary for healthy growth and development.

Make sure your baby’s formula includes calcium, which is needed to help build strong teeth and bones. It also helps maintain heart and muscle health. 

Most formulas also now contain extra iron. Babies need this in order for their brains to develop normally. 

Iron carries oxygen to the body’s organs and muscles. When babies don’t get enough iron, their red blood cells will become small and pale. The condition is called anemia and is common in infants.

Your baby’s formula should also contain Vitamin A, which will help keep their hair, vision, and immune systems healthy. You’ll want to look for Vitamin C, which can protect against infections and help wounds heal. Vitamin D can help your baby absorb calcium, and Vitamin B12 can help keep nerve and blood cells healthy.

You’ll also want to look for a formula with protein and carbohydrates that will help provide energy for your child’s growth. Too much protein, however, can make your baby more prone to obesity when they get older, so you’ll want to choose carefully.

A good formula will contain fat for brain development and folate to help cells divide. And of course, the extra Omega 3’s in an organic formula can improve cognitive and vision development.

3. What Type of Milk Is It?

About 80% of formulas get made from cow’s milk. It’s modified so infants will find it more digestible. Some infants, however, are allergic to the proteins in cow’s milk.

If you aren’t comfortable with animal products in your baby’s diet, soy formula contains soy protein mixed with glucose or sucrose. This can also get used if your baby has trouble digesting lactose.

If your child can’t tolerate either cow’s milk or soy-based formulas, hydrolyzed formulas are made from proteins that can easily get digested. And specialized formulas are sometimes created for preterm babies or those with special medical needs.

4. What Form of Formula Is It?

Formulas come as powders, concentrated liquids, and ready-to-feed liquids. Powder formula tends to be the least expensive and longest-lasting. Concentrated formula is also inexpensive and can be easier to digest than powdered types.

Ready-to-use formula is the most expensive and the most convenient since it requires no preparation. The type of formula you choose will depend upon your lifestyle and the unique needs of your child.

5. What Work Will This Require?

Much formula can get served cold or at room temperature. If your baby prefers their bottles warm, however, you’ll need to learn how to warm them in a bowl of warm water. A formula that is too hot can burn your baby’s throat. 

You’ll need to sterilize your infant’s formula before the first use. This involves submerging the baby’s bottle in water that you can bring to boil on a stove. The bottles need to get removed with tongs.

After the first use, your bottles can simply get washed with soap and water.

You can store a formula that’s ready-to-use in the refrigerator. Any leftover formula needs to get discarded after forty-eight hours. 

6. What Kind of Formula Is the Most Accessible?

It’s usually best to stick with once formula once you start formula-feeding, so be sure to pick something that’s readily accessible.

If you tend to buy your formula online, make sure you stock up when you order a shipment. If you usually stock locally, make sure you pick something that your local grocery store always carries.

7. What Accessories Will I Need?

A formula-feeding parent needs to be prepared. You’ll need bottles, brushes, bottle brushes, nipple brushes, and a warmer.

Make sure you shop carefully for the best accessories for your baby. Having an extra on hand is also helpful in case you lose or misplace your regular accessories.

After you’ve bottle-fed a few times, the process will seem more natural and you’re routine will become comfortable

Choosing Baby Formula

Choosing baby formula requires some careful research and consideration. Make sure you know exactly which nutrients and types of formulas you’re looking for. The right formula will help your baby grow and thrive into the happy child they are destined to be.

For more information on organic formula, contact us today. 

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