Why Is Your Baby Vomiting and How to Provide Relief?

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When your baby starts to vomit, it can be quite scary.

This is especially true for first-time mothers.

Your baby may be vomiting due to several different reasons. However, certain specific conditions may trigger baby vomiting.

Once you know what they are and how you can help to make your baby comfortable, you will have greater peace of mind.

Here is a guide to help you identify why your baby is vomiting and how to help them when it happens.

1. What Is Normal?

It is very normal for your baby to vomit as they adjust to feeding outside of the womb.

Babies will often cry because vomiting is just as frightening for them as it is for you.

Do not be surprised if your baby vomits after long hours in the car seat or when they have been crying or coughing for a long time.

These vomiting spells will often subside within a few hours and rarely last past one day.

If your baby is not feverish or looking ill in any other way just keep them hydrated until the period passes.

2. When Should You Be Concerned?

There are times when vomiting can be a sign of a serious medical condition.

You need to take your baby to the doctor if you notice any of the following problems:

  • High Fever
  • Refusal to eat (breastfeeding or formula)
  • Dry mouth
  • Rash
  • Less than six wet diapers for the day
  • Swollen tummy
  • Blood in vomit
  • Bile in vomit (a green substance)
  • Extreme irritability
  • Vomiting persists for twelve hours
  • Shortness of breath
  • Severe irritability

Let’s take a closer look at some of the symptoms mentioned, that should be of greatest concern to you.


Blood can sometimes be present if the force of the vomit causes small tears in the blood vessels that line your baby’s esophagus.

If the vomit continues to be filled with blood and if the level of blood increases then you should contact your doctor.


Bile (greenish color vomit) indicates that the intestines are blocked and needs immediate medical attention.

Persistent Vomiting

If your baby’s vomiting is persistent and forceful for at least half a day a condition known as pyloric stenosis may be responsible.

Pyloric stenosis triggers baby vomiting after eating. The condition is characterized by a thickening in the valve that leads to your baby’s stomach.

When the vomit is consistent, then it means the valve has thickened severely preventing food from getting through. The problem is usually fixed with surgery.

3. Tips for Stopping Baby Vomiting

Aside from the instances when vomiting can be problematic that were previously discussed, vomiting in babies usually subsides on its own and needs no special treatment.

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t make your baby as comfortable as possible.

Here are some tips:

  • Keep your babysitting in an upright position
  • Let your baby lie on his stomach or side
  • Keep soothing your baby
  • Give your baby plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration

If you still have questions or are feeling especially anxious, it never hurts to call your doctor.

4. How To Prevent Your Baby From Vomiting

Now that you are aware of how you can stop infant vomiting, it is time to learn how to prevent it in the first place.

Since vomiting is likely to occur during feedings, traveling or when your baby has a cold, it is good to learn how you can stop the problem before it even begins.

Here are some valuable tips:


Feed your baby small amounts and burp them more regularly if vomiting is a problem during feeding.

Avoid putting your baby in a chair that is bouncy or even bouncing your baby on your knee after a feeding.

Try to keep your baby in an upright position for at least half an hour after they have been fed.


Naturally, you will want to take your baby out and about from time to time, when traveling long distances try to feed your baby before you set off on the trip.

Give your baby plenty of time to digest the food beforehand. If you must feed the baby on the trip, be sure to stop the vehicle, feed and burp your baby before moving the vehicle again.


Sometimes babies vomit because they have a cold.

When phlegm and mucus is on the chest vomiting may occur after eating.

You can help to prevent mucus from draining onto your baby’s chest by using a bulb syringe to cleanse your baby’s nostrils when there is a buildup of mucus.

5. The Difference Between Spit Ups And Vomiting

Sometimes it can be hard to tell if your baby is spitting up or vomiting especially if you are a new mom.

These are two very different things, and they should not be confused. Confusion can cause you to panic unnecessarily.

Both vomiting and spitting up tend to occur after feeding and may sometimes be due to acid reflux. Here is a look at the difference.

Spitting Up

Spitting up usually occurs effortlessly after formula feeding or breastfeeding.

The reason spitting up happens is that the muscles that sit between your baby’s esophagus and stomach are still in development.

Due to this lack of development, the food in your baby’s stomach will start coming up through the throat resulting in spit up. This is normal.


Vomiting causes the food in your baby’s stomach to shoot violently out of the mouth.

It usually comes out in larger amounts than a spit up and is sometimes accompanied by fever or many of the other symptoms previously discussed.

Final Thoughts

Baby vomiting can be scary, and it is normal to find yourself filled with apprehension about.

However, most of the times your baby’s vomiting shouldn’t be a cause for great concern.

It usually subsides in a day, and all you have to do is keep your infant hydrated.

Just remember the different signs that tell whether vomiting is serious or not and your baby will be fine.

If you would like more tips on how to take care of your baby. Feel free to visit our website where we provide you with several tips on how to keep your baby healthy and happy.

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