The Benefits of Goat Milk Formula for Your Baby

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Did you know that goat milk formula contains 4.1 percent lactose while cow’s milk contains 4.7?

It might feel strange to admit that that 0.6 percent can have an effect on your baby’s digestion, but it’s absolutely true!

When feeding your child and choosing a formula, there’s a lot to keep in mind. You have to consider the nutrients the formula offers, and you have to pay close attention to your baby’s reaction to the formula.

What if I told you, though, that using cow’s milk is not a requirement?

Cow’s milk and various other formulas contain hormones and strange, artificial ingredients that make many new moms wary about feeding them to their children. How do you know it’s nutritious? How do you know this is actually going to benefit your child?

About goat’s milk

Goat’s milk is a somewhat exotic cousin to cow’s milk.

That doesn’t mean it’s much different from cow’s milk, but there are some key differences!

What does that mean for moms? Goat’s milk has different minerals and makeup from cow’s milk. This makeup has the benefit of being easier on your baby’s stomach due to less lactose and a different type of fat gene.

While cow’s milk and goat’s milk share several similarities, goat’s milk also offers the benefit of different production.

Goat’s milk is somewhat more uncommon than cow’s milk, which is widely available. Because of this, goat’s milk doesn’t have the same hormones added.

Meanwhile, cow’s milk is often loaded with genetic modifications to enhance and increase production to meet the demand of grocers.

The lack of genetic modification means that goat’s milk is all natural. With the proper information and ingredients, you can make a nutritious goat milk formula for your baby!

Ten benefits of goat milk formula

  • Less allergenic
    Milk and other formulas create curds by reacting with your baby’s stomach acid. Some formulas create hard curds while others create soft curds. This has an effect on how it passes through your baby’s stomach.Goat milk formula creates a softer curd, which makes it easier for your baby to digest. If your baby is spitting up a lot or has issues with reflux, goat milk formula may be an easier option for them.Cow’s milk contains an allergen known as alpha-S1 casein, which is only found in trace amounts in goat milk formula.This isn’t to say that goat milk is completely allergen free, however. Both goat milk formula and cow’s milk formula contain beta-lactoglobulin. If your baby is allergic to both goat and cow’s milk, this may be the culprit.
  • More digestible
    Goat milk formula contains more short and medium fatty acids, which in turn makes it easier for your baby to digest. The difference between this and cow’s milk is that cow’s milk has longer fatty acids. This makes more work for your baby’s digestive system.Please keep in mind that this doesn’t necessarily mean that goat milk formula contains less fat than other kinds. It only means that there’s more of a different kind of fat, which makes it easier on your baby’s stomach.
  • Less lactose
    While both goat milk formula and other kinds contain lactose, goat’s milk has a smidge less (about a half a percent difference).Cow’s milk, loaded with lactose, is oftentimes the culprit when people have gas, bloating, or other digestive issues.If your baby is lactose intolerant or is otherwise having a bad reaction to lactose-laden formulas, give goat milk formula a try and see how they react!
  • Boosts immune system
    Goat milk formula contains selenium! This is a great mineral to help support the immune system and give them that extra boost they need.It makes sense that any mother would want to protect their child from sicknesses, and while goat milk formula won’t completely protect your baby from illnesses, every little bit helps. Don’t take those trace amounts of selenium for granted.
  • Less toxic
    Cow’s milk may be more widely available than goat’s milk, but it also usually contains growth hormones. These hormones serve to artificially enhance and increase the production of milk. The thing is, goats are rarely given these hormones.These hormones can also contribute to digestive issues. If your child is already experiencing indigestion and lactose intolerance, why make the problem worse by filling them up with artificial hormones?Goat’s milk, while being somewhat common, still exists and is mainly used on the fringes of the main agriculture industry. This means it isn’t subject to the genetic modifications and specifications that cow’s milk is.This means that, when your baby drinks goat milk formula, they’re being fed only the best nutrients without artificial elements or things which may be concerning to moms.
  • Nourishment!
    Goat milk formula is laden with various nutrients that are essential to your baby’s growth and development. Did you know that goat’s milk contains nearly 35% of calcium requirements? And that’s just in one cup!It also is a fantastic source of riboflavin, phosphorous, vitamin B-12, protein, potassium, and more!All of these nutrients promote the healthy growth of your baby. Goats are known as bio-organic sodium animals, and that’s associated with vitality, flexibility, and vigor. All these things contribute to your baby’s strength development.Cows, known as calcium animals, are known for heaviness and stability. This is also strength, but bio-organic sodium actually contributes to joint health. Goat’s milk also has the benefit of helping out your baby’s nervous system.
  • Calcium
    Cow’s milk may be known for the amount of calcium it provides, but that doesn’t mean that goat milk formula is left completely out in the dust!Goat’s milk is very high in calcium. This is great news, as you can get the benefits of cow’s milk without the additives and extra hormones.The level of calcium in goat’s milk is provided by tryptophan, the amino acid. You may be familiar with it as the amino acid that makes you sleepy after your Thanksgiving turkey!Not only will your baby be well-rested and alert after consuming goat milk formula, but they’ll actually be on their way to building stronger bones for optimal health.
  • Metabolism
    If your baby is having digestive issues or has limitations regarding absorbing vitamins and minerals, goat milk formula can help boost and support their metabolism!Goat’s milk has been shown to increase one’s ability to metabolize minerals like iron and copper, particularly among those with other digestive issues.Of course, there are supplements available on the market to ensure that you get the vitamins and minerals that you need, but if there’s a natural way to make sure your baby’s absorbing what they need to, why not take it?
  • Environmentally Friendly
    It’s undeniable that there are problems with the agriculture industry when it comes to animals. The conditions in which cows are kept are often unsatisfactory and harmful.It’s important to remember that animals are just that: Animals, not products just for our consumption.It’s much more environmentally friendly to raise goats than cows. Goats need less space and food than cows. Did you know that you can raise three times the amount of goats on the acreage required for cows?
  • Inflammation
    Goat’s milk is smoother in many way’s than cow’s milk, and it doesn’t cause inflammation. If your baby is suffering from bowel inflammation, goat’s milk is the obvious choice.Between the nutritional benefits and the digestive ease, goat milk formula may be a great choice for your baby. It goes down easier, and there’s nothing harmful that may inflame your baby’s insides.

Your baby’s early months and years are an important time for development and growth, so it’s vital that they aren’t loaded with artificial chemicals before they’re even old enough to sit upright.

Goat’s milk offers the most important benefits of cow’s milk while maintaining enough differences – and enough exotic value – to make it a more responsible, healthy choice.

If you feed your child goat milk formula, know that they aren’t missing out on any minerals or proteins needed for healthy development. In fact, they’re getting all of that and more.

Check out our goat milk formula section and brands like Holle, Nannycare, Kabrita, and Bambinchen.

The modifications in cow’s milk are enough to make any mother wary of feeding it to her child. If you’ve considered goat’s milk for your baby, there’s no better time to take the leap!

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