Becoming a mom – especially for the first time – is filled with every kind of emotion, from complete joy to utter fear and confusion! There’s so much to learn, and so many decisions. Stroller or sling? Back to work or stay at home? Breast milk or organic infant formula? The list never ends.
This is all part of the natural journey of motherhood and, over time, with help and support, you will work out what works best for you and your child.
Sadly, that wonderful journey might also come with a large dose of ‘mommy guilt’. And quite frankly, that could easily be avoided.
Avoiding ‘Mommy Guilt’
Some ‘mommy guilt’ is natural – for example, the first time you leave your baby with a sitter. But most mommy guilt is just the result of being judged by others. And one of the biggest areas of contention is breastfeeding.
Nearly 80% of US moms who stopped nursing and switched to baby formula told a poll that they felt guilty about it. And more often than not, this was due to the raised eyebrows they noticed when they pulled out a bottle to feed their child in public.
The thing is, we KNOW breastfeeding is believed to be best for baby but, for many different reasons, this isn’t always viable. And to be honest, with the quality of organic infant formula these days, it really isn’t an issue.
Organic Infant Formula Vs Breastfeeding Debate
The formula vs breastfeeding debate has been simmering for many years. Mention it in a room full of moms and we guarantee voices will be raised! But while the anti-formula lobby might have had a point 20 years ago, it’s quite a different scenario today.
Infant formula was introduced in early 20th century, as it was believed to be a better way to nourish your baby. In the 1950s, when breastfeeding was largely considered impolite in the Western world, only about 20% of US moms were doing it and formula grew in popularity.
In the 1970s, there was a resurgence in breastfeeding, due to medical research and negative feedback on those early brands of formula. But that was nearly 50 years ago! Today’s organic baby formulas are nothing like those early offerings.
When Breast Milk Isn’t An Option
Generally, new moms are encouraged to start their baby off on breast milk – and most do. But as you probably know, if you’re a mom, it isn’t as easy as it sounds!
In the first instance, both mom and baby have to learn HOW to do it. And there could be other issues, too. Perhaps the baby’s mouth is too small to comfortably feed, or mom isn’t producing adequate milk. Perhaps you have twins, or you need to return to work. In any case, what do you do?
Quite clearly, you need to provide your child with everything it needs to avoid starvation and/or dehydration. So organic infant formula is the best solution (note that we said ‘organic’). When choosing a baby formula there are certain ingredients you should avoid.
In just the same way we are careful about what we put into our own bodies, so it is with our babies’ bodies. And just because a product claims to be organic, you should still check the ingredients.
European Brands Are Best
However, you can feel pretty confident if you go with European brands, such as Holle Formula or Hipp Formula. Why? Because generally, European Union food standards are much higher than in America.
As far as ingredients go, it’s probably best to avoid infant formulas that include soy, artificial sweeteners (like sucrose), palm oil, DHA/ARA, and the food thickener carrageenan.
One of the main reasons for choosing an organic infant formula is that it’s more likely to contain the natural ingredients needed to boost your child’s immune, digestive and central-nervous systems. This is because organic foods are grown using natural compost or manure, rather than potentially harmful synthetic chemicals.
Best Solution For Working Moms
For moms who need to get back to work, bottle-feeding with an organic baby formula is a very sensible move. Seriously, do you want to spend every lunch-break pumping milk, simply to be seen to be doing the ‘right thing’? The result is usually a very tired and stressed mom, and that will do your child no good at all.
In our experience, a happy, healthy, well rested and calm mom results in a happy, healthy, well rested and calm baby! And isn’t that what it’s all about? And don’t think for one moment that you’re the only one doing it!
Despite all the talk about breastfeeding, only 42% of moms are still doing it at six months. By 12 months, this figure is down to 22%. And in a recent poll, 67% of moms confirmed that their baby was given formula during its first six months.
Learning The Tricks
But what happens if your baby doesn’t take to the bottle easily? Don’t worry, there are simple solutions to help fix this challenge.
Generally, the younger babies will more easily adapt to the bottle, so don’t be afraid to start using organic baby formula early. As your baby becomes more self-aware, there are some little tricks you can use, such as using a nipple the same shape as the pacifier.
You can also try wrapping the bottle in a piece of your clothing so that your scent encourages your baby to feed. If your baby is still demanding the breast, step out of sight and ask someone else to try giving them the bottle.
It’s Your Choice
Quite honestly, breastfeeding or bottle-feeding should be a matter of choice for the parents of the child, nobody else. From well-meaning friends who are simply trying to help, to those who try and shame moms into only breastfeeding, it’s really none of their business.
The first year of raising your child will probably be the hardest. And while we know breast milk is packed with everything bub needs, it just isn’t always possible to rely solely on that source.
The sensible alternative is to pick a certified organic infant formula, that is GMO free and contains all the prebiotics needed for nutrition and protection. This healthy choice will put them on track to become well nourished, healthy adults.