Tips for Seamlessly Switching Baby Formula Brands

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Bringing a new life to the world can be a rewarding experience for new parents. When your little bundle of joy arrives, you want the best for them and their health.

However, as time goes on, the baby formula you usually provide your baby is either out of stock, discontinued, or not as great as you thought it was. So, here’s a guide to seamlessly switching baby formula brands, so your baby gets the most from its nutrition.

Reasons for Switching Formulas

There are many reasons why parents switch baby formulas for their little ones. It could come down to gassiness, poor sleep quality, constant fussy behaviors, and other factors. Additionally, finding the right price, easy preparation, and availability is another consideration when choosing a new formula.

Types of Baby Formulas

There are a couple of baby formula variations on the market that cater to every baby’s needs. From cow’s milk to hypoallergenic formula, your baby will feel nourished and satiated throughout their growth.

Cow’s Milk Protein

Cow’s milk protein is the most common formula used by babies. It’s altered to resemble breast milk for babies and offers balanced nutrients for easy digestion.

While most babies do well with cow’s milk, others have an intolerance to the proteins in cow’s milk. So, it isn’t uncommon for parents to switch babies over to a different formula.

Plant-Based Protein

Plant-based protein baby formula excludes the use of animal proteins. It’s a good alternative for babies with lactose intolerance, such as casein, eggs, or whey. Plant-based formula is helpful because your baby won’t have to struggle with lactose intolerance, which will positively impact their long-term health.

Hypoallergenic Formula

Also known as elemental formulas, hypoallergenic formulas contain proteins that get broken down into smaller parts. While most hypoallergenic formulas run higher in price and might not have a similar taste to cow or soy milk, they’re for babies who have difficulties digesting intact proteins.

What To Look For

Seamlessly switching baby formula comes with some precautions. It’s helpful if you stay with the same formulations, such as changing from one cow’s milk formulation to another with little to no variation.

With backed-up product testing and research, you want to find a baby formula that resembles breast milk as closely as possible. Lastly, you want the formula aligns with your familial ethics.

Making the Switch

Once you’ve found the right formula for your baby, you want to mix it with the current formula to transition your child over slowly. Use a couple of ounces of both formulas and monitor your baby’s behavior. It’s normal to experience diarrhea, bloating, gas, constipation, and reflux during the transition; it can take three days minimum to transition over completely.

Finding the right formula for your baby should come from a dependable retailer. At Formuland, we specialize in European-based baby formulas that work alongside your child’s growth. We offer Kabrita formula and other European goat milk products that support your baby at each stage. Our team will gladly help you get started today if you have any questions.

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